rant vol 69.

so I got jumped....
verbally that is...
and by 2 black people who look mexican. [haha]
All i have to say is, if people are getting offended in random conversation at a party what the fck has the world come to?
I used to be all serious about the word NIGGA and JIGG. But now i realize that these are just that WORDS
If you gonna let the world nigga bring you  down then you have a long way to go. I hate it when people fight for that word. 
I don't even know where to start...
Black people: Just because you went to college and took that African Studies class[which was taught by a white jewish man] doesn't mean you have to be an angry black person. And it doesn't make you better then the next black person who didn't. 
how you carry yourself is what matters...
..... ugh

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