KELIS!!!! <3

Kelis is sooooo fly. Alot of people have slept on this women right here!! She has to be one of the illest to bless the music and fashion industry in a long time! Im not saying shes the best... wait YES I AM! I love this chick. And if you haven't been into her music i suggest you go cop a CD and give it a good listen!! Being different isn't weird when its done right! Kelis and Nas have a show coming out soon and i cant wait for it to drop. here are some flicks from the new layout she just did for FASHION ROCS!! Check out ULTIMATE KELIS.COM to get the full article and to see full flickage. TRUST ME LADIES YOU WILL LOVE HER GET UPS! illness.... <3 and if anyone knows of a way i can get to a show or just shake this women's hand please hit me up ASAP!!! iheartjennyb@hotmail.com

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